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Turf News: Divot Day

27 APR 2023

It was a team effort during rounds 1 and 2 of our annual divot day! RattleSnake employees across all departments assisted our turf team with filling fairway divots across both golf courses. It was a great couple of days for everyone involved for many reasons. Staff from all departments were able to meet and work alongside their colleagues they may not otherwise over the course of the season. It also gave staff outside of the turf team a real appreciation for what they do from sunrise to sunset on most days, and just how much land the turf team has to cover! 



A little cold temperature didn't slow anyone down and we had great participation this year. Around 15,000 divots were filled each day! As we inch closer to warmer weather, we are always thinking of ways we can improve the golf course conditions and our Members' overall experience when stepping foot on the RattleSnake grounds. Grass is looking green, the sun will (hopefully) be shining more and more each day and the golf courses will continue to improve as we head into May. 



In our May newsletter we will provide an update on the bunker project. The construction team will be back and work will resume on CopperHead #10 shortly.


The Turf Team!