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A Message from our Regional Director of Operations

28 JUN 2023

Dear RattleSnake Point Golf Club Members,


I am writing to extend my sincere apologies on behalf of RattleSnake Point Golf Club for the inconvenience caused during the first evening of our Men’s Member Guest that was recently held on Thursday June 15th. After careful review and additional testing of our cart fleet, including our battery chargers, we had been made aware of an unexpected power outage at the Club overnight that had occurred in the early morning hours of June 15th. This led to many golf carts not being fully charged and caused a disruption to the end of the round on course for some Members. I understand that the availability of fully functioning golf carts is essential to your experience at the Club.


We truly value our Members and we remain committed to providing exceptional service and facilities every time you are on property at RattleSnake. As stated above, we have already launched an investigation into the issue and have been implementing new methods of due diligence amongst our team to ensure that something like this will not happen again. We genuinely appreciate your continued support and Membership at RattleSnake Point Golf Club. It’s our incredible Members that allow the Club to operate in the capacity it does today and we look forward to the rest of the 2023 golf season ahead.


If you have any further concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly to discuss. Thank you again for your understanding and patience,


Craig Cupido

Regional Director of Operations